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  • AI: A boon or bane

    These days Artificial intelligence, in short AI are on the rise. They help us in many ways like writing assignments, searching data, running simulation for different conditions but there are also people losing their job in this modern age because of them. So, in a modern world are AI the replacement of human beings or a ladder for humans to rise further. Read on to find out.

    Let us first understand what an AI is? Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence which are processed by machines especially computers. In simple language humans feed a system large amount of data and through the correlation and patterns, AI becomes able to give predictions or results by running various simulations among those data sets. These days AI systems are being implemented in various applications like Amazon, Google and there are chatting AI systems like chatbots that create lifelike exchanges with people. They are able to do so by being fed with various types of data like incase of chatbot it is fed with texts on how humans generally interact with each other, so that when one tries to communicate with chatbot it replies with a text sentence that it chose from various text data it has been fed and that sentence has the highest probability of being the answer. It is called machine learning.

    All the features of an AI revolve around algorithms. The algorithms in simple term are a set of rules that help the AI to complete a set of specific tasks. The ‘learning’ aspect of AI focuses on acquiring various data and it turns them into actable algorithms. AI is capable of self-correcting its algorithms to provide much more accurate information. There is another aspect of AI which is able to generate lifelike images, music, voices etc. by using its neural networks.

    Why AI has become a necessary in modern day?
    AI has the potential to change how we live and work. It is now being used by middle to upper class households as a grocery list maker, music player, electric panel etc., all being controlled through just voice commands. Yes, you guessed it correct, they are Alexa and Google. Lots of established companies are also using AI to automate tasks done by humans which require repetitiveness and preciseness such as analyzing a large number of documents or segregating them as per requirements etc. In extremes AI even gives companies insights on how to develop their current value by analyzing the market data and financial flow.

    But with AI being able to do so many things, are humans not needed anymore? Will they lose their jobs? Will the future become like terminator movie or I: Robot? Well, the short answer is not yet but in future maybe. For now we are not in dangers of being completely replaced by AI, as AI systems are expensive, they require deep technological expertise to operate, limited personnels to build AI tools and train the AI, we also have very qualified leaders or representatives who may take actions if AI were to threaten the survivability of human race and last we do not have self-aware AI like that in movies yet. Maybe they will be created in future but not yet.

    Examples of AI:

    Robotic process Automation (RPA): A type of system that automates repetitive tasks which are rule based.
    Machine learning: The act of computing operation without programming.
    Self-driving cars: example Tesla.

    But leaving all the benefits and losses aside there are quite a few things that shows that maybe AI are more than what we can chew. Let’s discuss those points,
    1. There is a lack of information on why and how does the AI comes to the conclusion the way it does. There is no transparency about these types of functions of AI because they are difficult to understand in the first place. That is why Elon Musk along with many well-known tech leaders penned a open letter to put pause on the large Ai experiments, citing that AI can be very dangerous to society and humanity.

    2. There will be numerous losses of jobs due to AI automation which is the main concern of so many people. There are predictions that 300 million fulltime jobs could be lost if AI automation comes to fruition. On the positive side it is predicted that AI could generate close to 100 million jobs by the end of 2025, but still how many people will be qualified to be able to do these mental extensive works, its not like everyone is a college topper, there are people at the lower end spectrum of intelligence, what about them. People who do full time jobs at McDonalds, if more automation are to come then will they be able to keep their jobs. What about waiters, robots could do their job, What about farmers. If in modern times the only thing computers lack is interpersonal skills and creativity which are feeding the humans, what would happen if self-aware AI were to come. Fields like law and accounting which are rule based and software based respectively are most at dangers of being replaced by AI.

    3. Social manipulations are also a cause of fear among people as people in really high political places manipulate civilian opinions by manipulating with the algorithms that show them the content on their devices. Fractions between religious people, hiding news of depravity and debauchery, advertising monopoly are some of the doings that are happening right now.

    4. Privacy invasive and social surveillance have gone haywire these days as more and more people depend on the smart devices for their daily needs, which already come equipped with advanced AI that keeps track of their locations even in extreme cases records them. Just think about some natural doings that you do in your life that requires utter privacy but the ruling body of your area or a hacker is listening and seeing you do all those things, that will answer your question of how they invade your life through these smart devices which is not very smart in the user part.

    5. There are many other possible dangers that have come to fruition in modern day like automated weapons controlled by AI. In 2016 Tech researchers pushed back against the idea of automated weapons but it still happened.

    AI has numerous benefits in various departments like health data handling, self-driven cars, customer complaint organization etc. but still all these also come with various dangers which will not just be a science fiction anymore but a real-world problem, for that to happen either we need strict ethics and rules or we should not mess with what we cannot handle in the first place, as they say “Raise no more devils than you can handle.”

    Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash